Cyber Security for Pharma Industry

Background :

Drug makers, biotechnology businesses, and the distribution and wholesale companies that manage the items generated make up the pharmaceuticals industry. Medicinal and veterinary chemical and biological chemicals are the primary focus of this sector. Companies that produce similar products, such as vitamins, other health supplements, or diagnostic compounds, are mentioned as well. The majority of the industry's revenue comes from pharmaceutical businesses that produce prescription, generic, and over-the-counter medications for human and veterinary use. In comparison to other industries, the pharmaceuticals industry spends a significant amount of money on rigorous research and development (R&D).

Key Challanges:

  • Third party Vendors
  • Ransomware and phishing attacks
  • Increase in complex network
  • Insider threats

CyberNX's experience in Pharma

CyberNX's consulting team has assessed the security of several pharmaceutical businesses' infrastructure, apps, and data.

Relevant CyberNX Services:

CyberNX's expert services helps to guarantee that your firm technology strategy is supporting your business.


Pharmaceutical firms face a variety of cyber dangers, including compliance requirements, nation-state-sponsored attackers, and increased network complexity. Taking a complete architectural approach to network security is a better method than trying to handle each issue independently. An solution like this gives automation, visibility, and a quick response to threats, making it simple to demonstrate compliance and beat attackers.

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